• pre-debut sope | sfw | somewhat canon compliant, first meeting, flirting, yoongi wears a skirt just cause he likes them, basketball yoongi

  • taekook | 🔞 | tae in sweatpants, no underwear, AND no shirt, straddling jk's lap. it's a game called "how long can he snuggle jk until jk gets hard"

  • taekook | 🔞 | AU where jk is an indie musician who loves rock music, so he's never heard of KTH, idol. until one fateful day when KTH accidentally photobombs jk's selca.

  • jihope | 🔞 | jm is TOO h*rny to go to sleep but also TOO sleepy to get off, & he whines abt this unacceptable state of affairs until hs makes him a deal: "go brush your teeth & wash your face, & when you come back, you can lie down & relax & hyung will get you off."